The following training is available, with prices on demand:

Adjustment to the clients' needs is essential.
Kidnapping survival
This training includes packages of 1 or 2 days workshops. The one day workshop is a relatively condensed exercise, normally lasting from 08.00 in the morning to 17.30 in the evening. It is based on presentations but interactive and includes discussions and practical exercises. Meet a victim! The participation of a kidnap victim is essential as it adds a sense of reality to the training.
The two day workshop includes more practical exercises and lasts from 09.30 to 16.00 each day. The workshops otherwise includes the same elements, based on four phases of kidnapping:
- The Assault phase
- The Transportation phase
- The Captivity phase
- The Release phase
The training contains all essential practical advice relevant to kidnapping survival, including averting violence, handling the risk of trauma and the use of powerful psychological tools of influence. This is where the training stands out from what is offered by other actors. While some of the training is relevant to any kidnapping situation, adjustment to the clients' needs is essential, for instance if focus on a particular country or special kind of kidnapping is desired. Up to 15 partipants are accepted.
Hijacking survival
This training is also based on one or two days workshops, with the one day workshop offering focused training from 08.00 to 17.30, whereas the two day workshop offers a slightly less demanding programme from 08.30 to 16.00 each day. The main difference between one and two days events is the number of practical exercises. A hijack victim always participates, sharing his/her experiences.
Both workshops are built up around four elements.
- The Assault phase
- The Transportation phase
- The Captivity phase
- The Release phase
Like the kidnapping survival training workshop, this training contains all essential topics relevant to hijacking survival, including averting violence, avoiding trauma and the application of essential psychological tools of influence. Training on hijacking survival at sea may focus on the threats of Somali and Nigerian waters, but can be adjusted to the client's needs.
Up to 15 participants are accepted.
This training includes packages of 1 or 2 days workshops. The one day workshop is a relatively condensed exercise, normally lasting from 08.00 in the morning to 17.30 in the evening. It is based on presentations but interactive and includes discussions and practical exercises. Meet a victim! The participation of a kidnap victim is essential as it adds a sense of reality to the training.
The two day workshop includes more practical exercises and lasts from 09.30 to 16.00 each day. The workshops otherwise includes the same elements, based on four phases of kidnapping:
- The Assault phase
- The Transportation phase
- The Captivity phase
- The Release phase
The training contains all essential practical advice relevant to kidnapping survival, including averting violence, handling the risk of trauma and the use of powerful psychological tools of influence. This is where the training stands out from what is offered by other actors. While some of the training is relevant to any kidnapping situation, adjustment to the clients' needs is essential, for instance if focus on a particular country or special kind of kidnapping is desired. Up to 15 partipants are accepted.
Hijacking survival
This training is also based on one or two days workshops, with the one day workshop offering focused training from 08.00 to 17.30, whereas the two day workshop offers a slightly less demanding programme from 08.30 to 16.00 each day. The main difference between one and two days events is the number of practical exercises. A hijack victim always participates, sharing his/her experiences.
Both workshops are built up around four elements.
- The Assault phase
- The Transportation phase
- The Captivity phase
- The Release phase
Like the kidnapping survival training workshop, this training contains all essential topics relevant to hijacking survival, including averting violence, avoiding trauma and the application of essential psychological tools of influence. Training on hijacking survival at sea may focus on the threats of Somali and Nigerian waters, but can be adjusted to the client's needs.
Up to 15 participants are accepted.

A crash course is focused priming.
Crash course on kidnapping and hijacking survival
This is a 3 hours training session designed for the ones who cannot set aside a full day or more, for instance business executives. It includes no practical exercises, but is based on presentation and brief discussions, and may be termed as focused priming on the most important survival skills.
Maximum 5 participants are accepted.
Refresher training
Both kidnapping and hijacking kidnapping survival training may be followed up with a refresher component, offered as a one off or a long term programme. Reverting to the subject after some time ensures that the knowledge stays with us, but may also add a deeper understanding of essential issues. The training is individually adapted, but would normally span from one day workshops to 2-3 hours crash courses.
Conflict resolution, reconciliation and mediation
Kidnapping Survival offers need-based, individually adjusted training on these subjects. Courses lasting from one day up to a week may be arranged, as may lectures on selected topics, as mediation, reconciliation, negotiations and more. Duration would be need-based. 1-2 days courses would have a limit of 15 participants, longer courses 20. Lectures have no attendance limit.
Who is training?
Most trainings are managed by researcher and lead trainer Olav Ofstad with limited external support. Subject to needs, another experienced trainer will join as co-facilitator. A Resource person with land specific knowledge might also contribute. Key parts of the science applied in the training has been presented in a book by the lead trainer. See The Science and A Book For Clients. However, the book Surviving Kidnappers: Precautions,Influence, Strategic Tools, released 28.07.2017, offers a much more complete picture.
The training may be offered at a given venue. Olav Ofstad has for instance provided kidnapping survival training in Oslo under the auspices of the Norwegian Industry's Security Council, in which case participants would travel as needed to attend. Groups will however in general find it more cost effective to avoid travel, and as a global actor, Kidnapping Survival is in principle open to providing training in any country.
The rates are in general very competitive. For a quotation see Contact Us.
This is a 3 hours training session designed for the ones who cannot set aside a full day or more, for instance business executives. It includes no practical exercises, but is based on presentation and brief discussions, and may be termed as focused priming on the most important survival skills.
Maximum 5 participants are accepted.
Refresher training
Both kidnapping and hijacking kidnapping survival training may be followed up with a refresher component, offered as a one off or a long term programme. Reverting to the subject after some time ensures that the knowledge stays with us, but may also add a deeper understanding of essential issues. The training is individually adapted, but would normally span from one day workshops to 2-3 hours crash courses.
Conflict resolution, reconciliation and mediation
Kidnapping Survival offers need-based, individually adjusted training on these subjects. Courses lasting from one day up to a week may be arranged, as may lectures on selected topics, as mediation, reconciliation, negotiations and more. Duration would be need-based. 1-2 days courses would have a limit of 15 participants, longer courses 20. Lectures have no attendance limit.
Who is training?
Most trainings are managed by researcher and lead trainer Olav Ofstad with limited external support. Subject to needs, another experienced trainer will join as co-facilitator. A Resource person with land specific knowledge might also contribute. Key parts of the science applied in the training has been presented in a book by the lead trainer. See The Science and A Book For Clients. However, the book Surviving Kidnappers: Precautions,Influence, Strategic Tools, released 28.07.2017, offers a much more complete picture.
The training may be offered at a given venue. Olav Ofstad has for instance provided kidnapping survival training in Oslo under the auspices of the Norwegian Industry's Security Council, in which case participants would travel as needed to attend. Groups will however in general find it more cost effective to avoid travel, and as a global actor, Kidnapping Survival is in principle open to providing training in any country.
The rates are in general very competitive. For a quotation see Contact Us.