Lead Trainer and researcher Olav Ofstad
Kidnapping Survival is a network of experts that provides highly specialized training in travel security, kidnapping/hijacking survival and conflict management. We offer real-world training, based on powerful and highly effective applications of hands-on social psychology, research and experience.(Please note the network's special, free book offer below.)
Our Training differs from other methods (generally offered by security agencies and conflict management trainers) as we draw extensively on social psychology which is an under-utilized science both in kidnapping survival and conflict management training.
The training includes:
- Travel security: Generaland specific precautions, subject to needs
- Assaults: How to handle attacks under different circumstances
- Kidnapping survival: How to survive captivity. Practical and psycholgical tools - Hijacking survival, including hijacking at sea and in the air
- Conflict resolution and reconciliation, in principle encomapssing any kind of conflict.
Workshops as well as consultations are tailored to your unique needs and interests, and include different formats:
- Web consultations, from 1 hour upwards
- Intensive 'crash courses', 3-4 hours
- 1-2 day workshops
- Refresher training, both ad hoc and long term programmes
Please note that due to popular demand, we can not always offer web consultations at short notice.
Our kidnapping survival training is relevant for:
- Tourists
- Marine officers and crew
- Flight personnel
- Diplomats
- Business executives
- Journalists
- Soldiers
- Humanitarian workers
- Anyone else exposed to the risk of kidnapping/hijacking
Our conflict management training is relevant foranyone who wishes to develop such skills.

Books of interest
The book 'Surviving Kidnappers, Kidnapping Survival Precautions, influence, Strategic tools by Olav Ofstad (2017) was among other praise termed as the fisrt truly authoritative insider's guide' on kidnapping survival': Tim Curtis, Managing Partner of The Security Cooperative. We now present to you an updated and expanded version. Given the new book's close connection with our network and this website, the author decided to name it Kidnapping Survival. Like its predecessor it discusses the topics
For further information and reviews of its predecessor, see The Survival Guide
A small number of this book will be sent free of cost to persons or institutions interested in reviewing it. Brief reviews are welcome. Those interested should inform us as early as possible on [email protected], give us their postal address and confirm their commitment to publish their review on the book's Amazon.com's page.
The book 'Surviving Kidnappers, Kidnapping Survival Precautions, influence, Strategic tools by Olav Ofstad (2017) was among other praise termed as the fisrt truly authoritative insider's guide' on kidnapping survival': Tim Curtis, Managing Partner of The Security Cooperative. We now present to you an updated and expanded version. Given the new book's close connection with our network and this website, the author decided to name it Kidnapping Survival. Like its predecessor it discusses the topics
- How to avoid kidnapping
- What to do if you are assaulted
- What to do if you are kept in captivity
- Recovery after kidnapping
For further information and reviews of its predecessor, see The Survival Guide
A small number of this book will be sent free of cost to persons or institutions interested in reviewing it. Brief reviews are welcome. Those interested should inform us as early as possible on [email protected], give us their postal address and confirm their commitment to publish their review on the book's Amazon.com's page.

Conflict Management in International Missions: A field guide by Olav Ofstad (Routledge 2015) addresses typical real time challenges that international staff face in the field, offering academically solid but at the same time understandable hands on practical advice.
Ofstad has drawn extensively on existing literature as well as his own experiences and observations from conflict scenes in different parts of the world. It offers a step by step guide and discusses a variety of challenges, including personal conflicts/security issues as well as third party conflicts. It presents a practical model of mediation and shows how we may draw on social psychology in third party interventions where we have no means of power. The peacebuilding chapter which is a major part of the book, aims at offering a broad introduction but also practical advice on all the most typical challenges we face when taking on the daunting challenge of building peace.
For further details and reviews see A Book for International Personnel.
Ofstad has drawn extensively on existing literature as well as his own experiences and observations from conflict scenes in different parts of the world. It offers a step by step guide and discusses a variety of challenges, including personal conflicts/security issues as well as third party conflicts. It presents a practical model of mediation and shows how we may draw on social psychology in third party interventions where we have no means of power. The peacebuilding chapter which is a major part of the book, aims at offering a broad introduction but also practical advice on all the most typical challenges we face when taking on the daunting challenge of building peace.
For further details and reviews see A Book for International Personnel.